I thought I would write a little update on how we are doing. Declan is getting stronger (and fatter!) by the day. I can hardly believe he will be 8 weeks old on Saturday. I suddenly realised that I have not taken nearly enough photos, so the camera is going to be out all the time now. He has grown so much already!

Our days are speeding by in a blur of feedings, changings and naps. Although I must say I am finding motherhood a lot easier than I expected to. I think the reasons are that Declan is a very easy baby, so relaxed and chilled out. He hardly ever cries and is normally very easy to get to sleep. I am also very lucky that Mike (my husband) loves to look after Declan too, we have been known to argue over which of us will get to bath him (Declan LOVES his bath). Mike takes over from me when he gets home from work, giving me a chance to have some "me" time and also to sleep a little before Mike has to go to bed. The system works really well, because Mike still gets a good 8 hours sleep before he has to go to work, meaning he is still able to function in the office. He loves his special time with his boy, I can tell it is the highlight of his day.

The weather has been lovely here recently, so I have been enjoying taking Declan out for walks in the park with Shadow (our dog). Shadow appreciates it too, as she doesn't get as much attention as she used to now that baby is here. I know Declan will make up for it when he is old enough to play chase with Shadow, she will think he is the best thing ever then!
I still don't have many hours to myself, just finding time for this post was tricky! But the days are getting easier now that Declan sleeps well at night, so if things keep going this way I should be able to open my shop again soon.