Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Redecoration Photos

I promised you photos and here they are. We have started work on 2 rooms at once, the master bedroom and a small box room that we use for all our computers (when you are married to a computer geek you need a whole room for them)

Here is our bedroom before we started work on it. We had very dark red walls on all 4 sides, blond parquet flooring and an imposing wardrobe... egh! I love the red on the walls, but there was too much of it.

So we stripped off the remaining wallpaper, pulled up the parquet flooring and carpet that was underneath it. We primed the walls and then plastered the lot. Plastering is so messy but the result looks great. We also boxed in the pipes for the radiator. In Holland they just leave the pipes showing in this kind of house, but being British I can't stand them so they had to be hidden away.

We painted 3 of the walls in a beautiful cream and one wall is back to being red again. I love a little drama in the bedroom ;) It will look less overpowering when it is broken up with furniture and things on the wall.

I hope you enjoyed a the little tour around our home, more photos for you soon.


  1. Oh wow, looks like you guys are doing a lot of redecorating! Nice fresh start :)

  2. Thank you for the tour. I love the red wall, makes me want to redecorate a room too.....just need to clear the junk out of it first, well maybe tomorrow lol

  3. Wow, what a big job, congrats on all the progress! We just moved into a new house so I can relate!

  4. Wow, great job! I like the red wall :)

  5. I love before and afters! Can't wait to see more!

  6. It's amazing how many computers (working and not) a computer geek can have! Our basement is filled with computers.

  7. I love red wall! We painted our home also last week. My bedroom's walls are red now!:)

  8. Hehe computer geek. Does he get to decide on the look for the geek room? :)
