I made this treasury after being inspired by my sister-in-law's beautiful new Etsy shop OmniaCrafts you can see her mobile in the top right of the treasury. She makes the most beautiful mobiles from polymer clay and wire!
I love the colours of this and the items are great. I am always disappointed when I don't see treasuries like this on the homepage. There are some great ones that make it but lately I've seen quite a few bad ones that I don't know what Etsy admin were thinking especially when they have nearly 900 treasuries to choose from.
I love the colours of this and the items are great. I am always disappointed when I don't see treasuries like this on the homepage. There are some great ones that make it but lately I've seen quite a few bad ones that I don't know what Etsy admin were thinking especially when they have nearly 900 treasuries to choose from.