Friday, February 19, 2010

Declan and his family

I couldn't resist posting a few more photos of Declan with his family...

I'm such a proud mummy!

Our little family

Having some cuddles with Nana

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A few more photos of Declan

I am really trying not to be one of those new mothers that bombards her blog readers with photos of her baby... But it is so hard. Here are 3 of the best ones I have taken - now that my proper camera works again.

I love his little expressions!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Welcome to the world my Baby Boy!

Our baby boy arrived, surprising us all by coming into the world a month early!

Declan was born on Saturday January 30th at 4.26am, weighing 2.7 kilos/6 pounds after a relatively short 6 hour labor. Because he was premature we had to stay in the hospital for 9 days until the nurses were sure he was strong enough to come home. He had a little jaundace for a while and had to be put under a special light to help him heal.

As he was premature he also had some feeding problems, so for a while he needed a tube in his nose so that he could get all the food he needed to grow big and strong. But they took that out 3 days ago.

We are so happy that we could finally bring him home yesterday, our little man is with us at last!

Declan, 1 day old

Having some milk with daddy

My sleepy little boy

I will add some more photos soon, we can't find the charger for my good camera so all our photos so far have been taken with my iPhone. I'm going to buy a new charger today so I can take some really good photos for my collection.